After the great success of Tokenomics 2019, we are pleased to announce Tokenomics 2020, the 2nd International Conference on Blockchain Economics, Security and Protocols. This year’s conference is hosted by Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) in Toulouse. Because of the health situation, the conference is postponed to October 26 & 27, 2020.
Tokenomics is an international forum for theory, design, analysis, implementation and applications of blockchains and smart contracts. The goal of the conference is to bring together economists, computer science researchers and practitioners working on blockchains in a unique program featuring outstanding invited talks and academic presentations.
Keynote speakers will include
- Jean Tirole, 2014 laureate of the Sveriges Riksbank prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel,
- Long Chen, Secretary-General of the Luohan Academy, an open research institute initiated by Alibaba, and former Chief Strategy Officer at Ant Financial
- Ittai Abraham, senior researcher at vmware research
Topics of interest:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
− Distributed protocols for blockchains
− Lightweight protocols and networking issues of blockchains
− Fairness and Consistency (logical and economical) of blockchains
− Blockchain security, privacy and cryptographic tools
− Incentive theory, mechanism design, contract theory for blockchains
− Repeated games, collaborative games, reputation, algorithmic game theory
− ICO and cryptocurrencies, token valuation, governance and voting
− Trust models for blockchains
− Smart contracts and programming languages
− Formal methods for blockchains
− Secure multiparty computations (SMPC, e.g., auctions with sealed bids)
− Multi-agent systems and machine learning techniques applied to blockchains
The program committee encourages the submission of original interdisciplinary works exploring the conjunction of economic concerns with distributed systems, networks and system security.
The Ethereum France - Kaiko Prize for Research in Cryptoeconomics will reward the best paper and talk.